The Origin Of Kauman Village ( Sub-district of Wiradesa)

       The name Kauman comes from the term kawulo slamet lan aman*. In the past there were a group of people who lived in the hut, but these people were not comfortable because disturbed by forest dwellers, especially by srani**. And then, peoples held a meeting lead by Eyang Dullah Srengal. They decided to cut down a tree which became the home of srani. 
       Afterward Eyang Dullah Srengal and his friends go to cut down the tree. However, it turns out that Eyang Dullah Srengal was less strong. He failed to cut down the tree and eventually they had to return to the settlement with no satisfactory results.
      Since the previous attack failed, the srani are increasingly rampant to disturb the villagers. Until one day came a man from Klaten named Amir Mahmud to where they live. Amir Mahmud came to Pekalongan in order to meet Raden Betoro Katong. Amir Mahmud finally became acquainted with Eyang Dullah Srengal. From their conversation, finally Amir Mahmud knew the difficulties faced by villagers. Amir Mahmud finally decided that he would help Eyang Dullah Srengal to defeat the srani.
      After that, Eyang Dullah Srengal and Amir Mahmud succeeded in driving out the srani by burning the tree where they lived. At that time, Amir Mahmud rubbed the stones on the leaves and dry branches on the ground. After the fire ignited, they enlarged the fire by placing other dry leaves and finally the tree burned into charcoal.
      Later, when the tree is toppled and the earth shakes, suddenly a petapa ngalong uang (someone who is imprisoned to get money) appears named Ki Bekel Wiryo Dikromo Niti (Mbah Solo). Ki Bekel Wiryo is willing to help Amir Mahmud to defeat the forest dwellers in the form of wild animals.
      Finally the forest area was conquered successfully. Reputedly, at that time there was an agreement between the sakti people and the srani. The sranis have been conquered, but humans are not allowed to kawulo penghuni hutan (the srani). This agreement occurred when Amir Mahmud stuck a teken (wooden stick) near the fallen tree area that was conquered by humans. Eyang Dullah Srengal emphasized to the srani to not disturb the humans who would reside there. At the request of the both of them, Ki Bekel Wiryo Dikromo Niti  said that the forest was lalatan kawuloaman. 
      Later on, the forest area is becoming a developed area. And formed a village named Desa Kauman***.

we are all safe and secure
** ghost
*** as a reminder that they are the people who ask for security.


  1. Overall is good, but it would be wonderful if coupled with the moral message of the text.

  2. It would be better if you're added a moral lessons in your last paragraph 🤗


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