
Showing posts from September, 2020

Morning Habits (Article and Mapping)

How to become a morning person, according to sleep experts. If waking up early is tied to better productivity and focus, improved health and greater success, why is it so dang difficult to stop yourself from pressing snooze in the early hours?  As it turns out, there's a lot that goes into being (or becoming) a morning person -- it involves much more than just going to sleep early. If you're a victim of the snooze button, know that you, too, can be a morning person. In this article, In this article, you'll learn about some common culprits behind morning grogginess and how to become an early riser -- if you even need to at all.  Why is it so hard to wake up in the morning?  One major contributor to tough mornings is  nighttime wakefulness , says Barton Scott, a nutritionist and founder of  Upgraded Formulas , a supplement company focused on improving  sleep . "Nighttime wakefulness is ultimately, as a concept, being out of harmony with your normal circadian ...